"The quality and depth in this book is insane. Allahumma Barik Lahum."

Change Your Life With Du'a.

90% of people regret not knowing a du'a during a crucial time.Du'as are the spiritual currency that transforms your life. Destinies are forever changed through just one du'a.What if this du'a is the one for you?Our best-selling Quranic Du'a book is available as a physical copy now.P.S. We sell out of our physical copies quick.You saw what happened with the Ramadan Planners.

This book definitely helps me go deeper with each dua. It's a game changer for those who truly want to experience the transformative journey of prayer! The Law of Attraction has nothing on du'a.


To The Striving Believer,Pause for a moment.Our daily lives often follow a cycle, endlessly repeating without true purpose.Wake up.
Hit snooze 3 times.
Roll out of bed.
Stare at your phone.
Rush through breakfast.
Head to work or school.
Spend hours in tasks.
Barely manage a break.
Rush through prayers.
Come home exhausted.
Scroll through social media.
Rush through dinner.
Scroll some more.
Pass out.

Does this sound familiar?
How does it make you feel?Seriously.Think for a moment.Isn't it alarming how many of us feel disconnected just going through the motions without finding true meaning?Du'a is the remedy.
Du'a is how you break free from the monotonous cycle.
Du'a is how you begin a journey of meaningful living, stopping the drift towards a state of heedlessness (ghaflah).
Take the first step towards a more conscious life.Your ideal life awaits.Seek more in your everyday.

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"Let one of you ask his Lord for his needs, all of them,
even for a shoestring when his breaks."

Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3973


The pull to become your highest version.

Ask yourself:Why does Allah ask us to make dua?If the Creator of the worldif your Creator told you that I want you to ask me for things, why don't we do it?This is the reality for many of us.You think you're living mindfully, but something's missing.You don't have a structured approach to spiritual growth.So you continue the same unfulfilling practices year after year.You know the power of du’a and its immense blessings, but you haven’t fully tapped into its potential. The current approach isn't enough.Your life feels lacking in spirit and purpose. Your days are filled with rituals, but your heart is not engaged.You can see that many around you seem content with this. You question, “Why don’t we strive for more?”You've felt it before.The pull.The call to spiritual greatness.A silent yearning for a deeper connection with Allah.Are you aware of the power of du’a in your life?Or is your spiritual focus limited by the routine you’ve settled into?You are being called to your highest spiritual self.Be prepared.It will be a transformative journey.It will require sincerity, dedication, and a new understanding of du’a.

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Bismillah. As someone who has always sought a deeper connection with my faith, the Quranic Du'as book has been a transformative addition to my daily routine. Initially, I was a bit hesitant, wondering if it would truly make a difference. But, Alhamdulillah, it has exceeded my expectations. The book is more than just a collection of supplications; it's a guide that has helped me understand the profound wisdom behind each du'a. What I particularly appreciate is the historical context provided for each supplication. It's not just about reciting the words; it's about connecting with the emotions and situations of the Prophets and understanding how these prayers can apply to our lives today. The digital format of the book is a blessing for someone like me who is always on the go. Whether I'm on the bus heading to school or in a quiet corner during a break, I can easily pull out my phone and find peace in these du'as. It's amazing how a few minutes with this book can change my perspective and uplift me. This book has been a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration, and I am truly grateful for it. May Allah bless the author a million folds and for every dua I make.


The Power of Du’a and Mindfulness

Avoid anxiety, overwhelm, and not knowing what to doduring trials and tribulations.

This religion is full of mindfulness.Wake up?
Say the du'a for waking up.
Go to bathroom? Say the du'a before entering the bathroom.
Go outside? Say the du'a for going outside.
Pray? Be present and attentive in prayers.
Eat? Say Bismillah before eating.
Marital relations? Say the du'a before intercourse.
Du’a is a powerful way to be mindful.It’s about being aware of Allah in every moment of your life.When you're asking AllahWhether it be for the deen, the dunya, the akhirah, money, a beautiful wife, a wealthy husband, a healthier body, to heal illnesses, a longer life, blessings of your parentsIt hits home differently when you really understand what you’re asking Him forIt feels more powerful, more real.And there's so much we might not even think to ask for.This is where Quranic Du'as come in.Ancient words that can change the course of your life.Plus I don't know about you but when I make up a du'a on the spot (which is fine to do)versus using one that the Prophets (may peace be upon them) used has a different feelingProphetic du'as are proven and powerful.So powerful that Allah mentions them in the Qur'an!It's time to take advantage.Imagine this:💸 Scenario 1: You're having trouble getting a job.You open the Quranic Du'as and find the proven du'a Prophet Musa (Moses) read when he was desperate and in need.💣 Scenario 2: You're feeling despair and helplessness because of world events.You open Quranic Du'as and find the du'a of Prophet Musa (Moses) against Pharoah🤰🏻 Scenario 3: You and your partner are eagerly trying to conceive.Experiencing the emotional rollercoaster of starting a family.You turn to the Quranic Du'as and discover the heartfelt supplication that Prophet Zakariyya (Zachariah) made for a child.You can find all of these du'as in this book and hundreds more.

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The amount of value you get in here is unmatched... includes every single dua from the Qur'an. Insane. Beautiful graphic design. Top islamic products in the space.

Yusuf K.

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